Home working and flex office
Global locked down has forced every companies to work remotely from home and to manage home working as a new standard. Crystal offers some tools to help companies managing the home working as part of the new workspace:
- Office booking remotely
- Absence management
- Home office viewer
Office booking remotely
Crystal workspace allows collaborators to search a space and to book it remotely through any devices with a web browser. Filter your spaces through a smart search engine and get an overview of available space/office to book. It has never be as simple to book your workstation.
Absence management
In order to optimize the workspace as much as possible, Crystal allows offices usually appointed and not bookable to be accessible for booking when the office owner is absent (holidays, telecommuting, travel, sick leave, etc.). In a few clicks, the employee can make their own office bookable again.
Home office viewer
Home working became a new standard since the global locked down. To keep contact with your collaborators, use our home office viewer that will enable your company to communicate directly to your collaborator’s laptops as a direct extension of your digital signage communication:
- In screen saver mode;
- In notification mode;
- In popup mode.