Workspace social distancing

Workspace social distancing

Social distancing has become a common obligation to all companies to fight the virus. This involves setting up management and reservation software with features offered by Crystal suite to help companies bringing back their employees to a safe workspace:

  • Social distancing between workstation
  • Common space and access management
  • Temporary capacity limitation
  • Workspace global overview

Social distancing between workstation

Crystal application can block on reservation some workstation to manage social distancing between workstation that are too closed. The administrator can easily and quickly active or deactivate a workstation that will automatically be synchronized with every Crystal component (Web app, plugin Outlook, Smartphone, orientation map etc.)

Common space and access management

Crystal offers features for managing stocks of reservable places with a statement making it possible to limit reservations to the number available. This functionality can also be coupled with connected signage, counters, or sensors. In order to limit the excessive influx of people into a common area, this feature will allow collaborators to book access to common areas in advance regarding its availability.

Temporary capacity limitation

Crystal allows you to force and limit space capacity to be aligned with new sanitary rules. When booking, collaborators will be notified of the temporary limitation and will have to validate their acceptance in order to make sure they are aware of the new capacity.

Workspace global overview

Simple signage that allows collaborators to identify offices according to their statutes and to avoid unnecessary movement within your building. Signage visible both directly on workstations using light devices or directly on the Crystal application, via a real-time space occupancy card.